Emergency Support Functions
The State of Rhode Island's disaster response resources are organized into fifteen (15) Emergency Support Functions (ESFs). Each ESF is comprised of numerous public and private agencies/organizations that manage and coordinate specific categories of assistance common to all disaster or emergency events. A primary or lead agency/organization has been designated for each Emergency Support Function to ensure the coordination and delivery of goods and services to the disaster area. The following is a list and brief summary of each Emergency Support Function for the State of Rhode Island.
Emergency Support Function 1- Transportation
Provide situational awareness on intermodal transportation (air, rail, bus) or facilitates repairs to damage transportation systems, facilitates emergency transport of goods and resources, and assists in the coordination of emergency evacuations.
Emergency Support Function 2- Communications
Provides situational awareness and support on emergency communications services to organizations involved in response and recovery operations, along with providing situational awareness and support of the restoration of damaged public safety communications systems, and may support the restoration of public communications services. State Emergency Operations Center.
Emergency Support Function 3- Public Works & Engineering
Provides situational awareness and support on debris removal, and water and water treatment systems and services, and assists in the restoration of public works systems.
Emergency Support Function 4- Firefighting
Provides situational awareness and support of personnel, equipment, and supplies to agencies involved in wildland, rural, and urban firefighting operations.
Emergency Support Function 5- Emergency Management
Supports overall activities of state government for domestic incident management. Provides the core management and administrative functions in support of SEOC.
Emergency Support Function 6- Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, & Human Services
Provides situational awareness and coordinates state support for local sheltering, feeding, first aid, and human services for disaster survivors.
Emergency Support Function 7- Logistics Management & Resource Support
Organizes and supports timely and efficient delivery of supplies, equipment, services, and facilities. Facilitates comprehensive logistics planning, technical assistance, training, education, exercise, incident response, and sustainment that leverage the capability and resources of State and federal logistics partners, public and private stakeholders, and NGOs in support of both responders and disaster survivors.
Emergency Support Function 8- Public Health & Medical Services
Addresses the public health, behavioral health, and medical needs that may arise from victims, response workers, and the general public during an emergency. Provides situational awareness on operational status and/or medical surge of all healthcare facilities in the State, and coordinates fatality management services, tracks patient movement, and coordinates behavioral healthcare.
Emergency Support Function 9- Search & Rescue
Provides situational awareness and coordinates urban and non-urban search and rescue operation and assistance, including locating and extricating victims trapped in debris or wreckage created by a disaster, along with woodland, water, or other area search and rescue operations.
Emergency Support Function 10- Oil & Hazardous Materials Response
Provides situational awareness directs and or coordinates support for inspections, containment, and cleanup of all threats to the environment pertaining to all hazardous materials.
Emergency Support Function 11- Agriculture & Natural Resources
Provides situational awareness and coordinates support for; the protection of the state’s agricultural and natural resources during emergencies; the emergency sheltering of pet animals; animal health issues; provide technical expertise, of animal and agricultural emergency management; ensure the safety and of the state’s meat, poultry, and dairy production facilities within the state.
Emergency Support Function 12- Energy
Provides situational awareness and coordinates with the private sector and other ESFs to provide emergency supplies of power and fuel. Assists in the restoration of power and fuel systems. Maintains current information on power outages and impacts to the energy sector and its infrastructure.
Emergency Support Function 13- Public Safety & Security
Provides public safety and armed escort for emergency workers or transport caravans as needed. Additionally, provides security for emergency facilities, and assists in general law enforcement services (patrol, traffic, investigation, crowd control operations). Assists and/or coordinates local law enforcement with mutual aid.
Emergency Support Function 14- Recovery
Provides and manages the breadth of short and long term recovery service support required during the recovery phase of an emergency event or disaster.
Emergency Support Function 15- External Affairs
Distributes accurate and timely information regarding emergencies to the public through the media and through other available means. Coordinates with local municipalities and/or agencies that have requested state assistance in releasing information to the public. Provides an accurate and consistent flow of information to citizens before, during, and after an emergency or disaster. Establishes and manages the JIC, coordinates the dissemination of all disaster-related information to the media and the public.
Emergency Support Function 16- Military Support
Provides situational awareness on RING status, assists in the coordination and deployment of National Guard soldiers ordered to State Active Duty by the Governor. Assists in the coordination and deployment of National Guard soldiers to assist communities and the state as directed by the SEOC Operations Section.
Emergency Support Function 17- Historic Culture and Preservation
Ensure the protection of cultural resources and historic properties within the state.
Emergency Support Function 18- Business and Industry
Coordinates the actions of local, state and federal agencies and organizations to provide immediate and short-term assistance for the needs of business, industry, and economic stabilization.