Resources For Emergency Managers
The development of an overall planning strategy is a target that is continually moving as communities grow and populations change. RIEMA has made available a number of different resources and guidance materials for review, both for informational purposes and for assistance in developing well-organized plans.
Below is a list of free online courses that FEMA offers to emergency managers:
IS-1: Emergency Manager: An Orientation to
the Position
IS-26: Guides to Points of Distribution
IS-100: Intro to ICS
IS-200: ICS for Single Resources & Initial Action Incidents
S-244: Developing & Managing Volunteers
IS-317: Intro to Community Emergency Response Teams
IS-324: Community Hurricane Preparedness
IS-340: Hazardous Materials Prevention
IS-405: Overview of Mass Care/Emergency Assistance
IS-520: Intro to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas
IS-522: Exercising Continuity Plans for Pandemics
IS-546: Continuity of Operations Awareness Course
IS-547: Intro to Continuity of Operations
IS-632: Intro to Debris Operations
IS-660: Intro to Public-Private Partnerships
IS-700: National Incidence Management System (NIMS), An Introduction
IS-800: National Response Framework, An Inroduction