List of Emergency Winter Hubs - January 2025 Emergency Winter HubsWest Warwick - West Warwick Civic Center, 100 Factory St.Open: Monday, January 20, 4:30 PM - Thursday, January 23, 10 AM. Westerly - WARM Center, 56 Spruce St.Open: 24 hours for the winter months. Woonsocket - 356 Clinton Street – Open Monday, January 20, 5:00 PM Open: Monday, January 20, 5 PM. The following overnight drop-in shelters are available 24/7. Pawtucket - OpenDoors, 1139 Main St. Providence - Crossroads: 162 Broad St. Providence - Emmanuel House, 239 Public St. South Kingstown - Welcome House of South County, 8 North Rd, Peace Dale, RI For a list of local warming centers, click here. After clicking here, scroll down to see the list of warming centers. Additional Winter Weather Resources and InformationCDC Winter Weather: Before, During and After - List of Community Action Agencies - RI DOH Winter Health Tips - RIEMA Winter Weather /Extreme Cold Preparedness - Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms -
BRIC and FMA 2024 - Notice of Funding Opportunity 2024 Building Resilient Infrastructure & Communities (BRIC)FEMA has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the BRIC grant program. The Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 24) BRIC NOFO can be accessed at FY 2024 BRIC NOFO. RIEMA encourages reviewing the BRIC NOFO before applying, as it provides detailed program information and other grant application and administration requirements. 2024 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)FEMA has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the FMA grant program. The Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 24) FMA NOFO can be accessed at FY2024 FMA NOFO. RIEMA encourages reviewing the FMA NOFO before applying, as it provides detailed program information and other grant application and administration requirements. For additional information on BRIC and FMA, click here.
Hazard Mitigation Funding Under Public Assistance, Section 406 Section 406 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5172, and Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations §206.226 provides FEMA with the authority to fund cost-effective mitigation measures under the Public Assistance (PA) program for repairs, restoration, and replacement of eligible damaged facilities. This grant funding is commonly referred as "406 Mitigation" or PA Mitigation. 406 Mitigation work must be cost effective, applied on the parts of the facility that were actually damaged by the disaster, and reduce future damages to the facility. Only FEMA has the discretion to determine eligibility and approve proposed 406 hazard mitigation projects prior to funding. The following is a guide to determine cost effectiveness: Mitigation measures may amount to up to 15% of the total eligible cost of the eligible repair work on a particular project. The mitigation measure does not exceed 100% of the eligible cost of the eligible repair work on the project. For measures that exceed the above costs, must demonstrate through an acceptable benefit/cost analysis methodology that the measure is cost effective. Duplication of hazard mitigation funding is not allowed. 406 funding cannot be used to meet the non-federal cost share of the other grant. 406 Mitigation measures approved for the repair of a facility may not be applied towards an Alternate Project. 406 Mitigation is disaster specific and only applies to disaster applicants for PA. However, there is a separate state administered program, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program - Section 404, that applies to structural and non-structural measures and is not disaster specific. 406 Vs. 404 Hazard Mitigation Funding In some instances, a combination of 406 and 404 funding may be appropriate. 406 Mitigation funding is used to provide protection to the parts of the facility that were damaged and 404 Hazard Mitigation funding is used to provide protection to the undamaged parts of the facility. The table below outlines the difference between the 406 and 404. 406 404 Implemented under FEMA PA Program Administered by State Site specific Applied Statewide Cost effective funding Cost effective funding Not capped Capped at a percentage Event/incident specific Can be used throughout the state on damaged & non-damaged facilities Damaged element of facility only Non-damaged facility Non-competitive Competitive Examples of 406 Mitigation: Relocation Slope stabilization Protection from high winds Flood proofing of buildings Flood protection of bridges and culverts Protection of utilities