List of Emergency Winter Hubs - January 2025 Emergency Winter HubsWest Warwick - West Warwick Civic Center, 100 Factory St.Open: Monday, January 20, 4:30 PM - Thursday, January 23, 10 AM. Westerly - WARM Center, 56 Spruce St.Open: 24 hours for the winter months. Woonsocket - 356 Clinton Street – Open Monday, January 20, 5:00 PM Open: Monday, January 20, 5 PM. The following overnight drop-in shelters are available 24/7. Pawtucket - OpenDoors, 1139 Main St. Providence - Crossroads: 162 Broad St. Providence - Emmanuel House, 239 Public St. South Kingstown - Welcome House of South County, 8 North Rd, Peace Dale, RI For a list of local warming centers, click here. After clicking here, scroll down to see the list of warming centers. Additional Winter Weather Resources and InformationCDC Winter Weather: Before, During and After - List of Community Action Agencies - RI DOH Winter Health Tips - RIEMA Winter Weather /Extreme Cold Preparedness - Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms -
BRIC and FMA 2024 - Notice of Funding Opportunity 2024 Building Resilient Infrastructure & Communities (BRIC)FEMA has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the BRIC grant program. The Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 24) BRIC NOFO can be accessed at FY 2024 BRIC NOFO. RIEMA encourages reviewing the BRIC NOFO before applying, as it provides detailed program information and other grant application and administration requirements. 2024 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)FEMA has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the FMA grant program. The Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 24) FMA NOFO can be accessed at FY2024 FMA NOFO. RIEMA encourages reviewing the FMA NOFO before applying, as it provides detailed program information and other grant application and administration requirements. For additional information on BRIC and FMA, click here.
State Emergency Response Commission All states are required to establish a State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) responsible for implementing the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA) within the state. The SERC's duties include: Establishing procedures for receiving and processing public requests for information Reviewing local emergency response plans Designating local emergency planning districts Appointing a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) for each district Supervising the activities of the LEPCs Rhode Island's SERC membership currently consists of representatives from the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency, the Office of the State Fire Marshal, the Department of Labor and Training, the Department of Environmental Management, the Department of Health, the Division of Planning within the Department of Administration, and the League of Cities and Towns. The Director of the Emergency Management Agency serves as Chair. RIEMA SERC Contact David Schnell Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency 645 New London Ave. Cranston, RI 02920 Additional Resources Emergency Planning Determining if a facility is subject to the EPCRA emergency planning requirements is straightforward. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published a list of "extremely hazardous substances (EHS)." For each EHS, the list includes the name, the Chemical Abstract Service number of the substance, and a number called a threshold planning quantity (TPQ). The TPQ, expressed in pounds, is the critical number. If a facility has within its boundaries an amount of an extremely hazardous substance equal to or in excess of its threshold planning quantity, the facility is subject to the EPCRA emergency planning requirements and must notify both the SERC and the LEPC of this fact. The facility must also appoint an emergency response coordinator who will work with the LEPC on developing and implementing the local emergency plan at the facility. Emergency Release Notification The reportable quantity is the critical number that determines if a release must be reported. This is a number expressed in pounds that is assigned to each chemical. If the amount of a chemical released to the environment exceeds the reportable quantity, the facility must immediately report the release to the appropriate LEPC and SERC and provide a written follow-up as soon as practicable. Immediate notification must include the following: The name of the chemical The location of the release Whether the chemical is on the "extremely hazardous" list How much of the substance has been released The time and duration of the incident Whether the chemical was released into the air, water, or soil, or some combination of the three Known or anticipated health risks and necessary medical attention Proper precautions, such as evacuation A contact person at the facility In addition to immediate notification, facilities are required to provide a follow-up report, in writing, "update(ing) the original notification, provid(ing) additional information on response actions taken, known or anticipated health risks, and, if appropriate, advice regarding any medical care needed by exposure victims.” Failure to notify the proper authorities may result in civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day for each day of non-compliance and criminal penalties of up to $25,000 in fines and prison sentences of up to two years. Of course there are exceptions. A release which results in exposure to persons solely within the facility boundary or is a federally permitted release does not have to be reported. Also, continuous pesticide and radionuclide releases meeting specified conditions are exempt Community Right-to-Know Reporting Requirements The purpose of these requirements is to increase community awareness of chemical hazards and to facilitate emergency planning. This section applies to any facility that is required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under its Hazard Communication Standard to prepare or have available a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for a hazardous chemical or that has on-site, for any one day in a calendar year, an amount of a hazardous chemical equal to or greater than the following threshold limits established by the EPA: 10,000 pounds (4,500 kg) for hazardous chemicals; or Lesser of 500 pounds (230 kg) or the threshold planning quantity for extremely hazardous substances. If a facility is subject to reporting under these sections, it must submit information to the SERC, the LEPC and the local fire department with jurisdiction over the facility under two categories: SDS reporting and inventory reporting. SDS Reporting SDS reporting requirements specifically provide information to the local community about mixtures and chemicals present at a facility and their associated hazards. For all substances whose on-site quantities exceed the above threshold limits, the facility must submit the following: A copy of the SDS for each above-threshold chemical on-site or a list of the chemicals grouped into categories Within three months of any change, an SDS or list for additional chemicals which meet the reporting criteria. Inventory Reporting Inventory reporting is designed to provide information on the amounts, location and storage conditions of hazardous chemicals and mixtures containing hazardous chemicals present at facilities. Submission of the Tier II form is required under Section 312 of the EPCRA. The purpose of this form is to provide State and local officials and the public with information on the general hazard types and locations of hazardous chemicals present at your facility during the previous calendar year. Additional Resources Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know Act Environmental Protection Agency EPCRA Online Training Hazardous Material Safety Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Local Emergency Planning Committees National Association of SARA Title III Program Officials SERC Meeting Minutes Tier II Form Tier II Form Instructions