Community Emergency Response Team

The national Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is designed to train citizens to be better prepared to take care of themselves, family, friends, neighbors, and/or co-workers in the event of an emergency or disaster that may impact their community until trained emergency first responders arrive.
The RI CERT Program is designed to assist municipalities to effectively meet the challenges faced during natural and/or man-made incidents or events. The Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA) provides technical assistance and support to municipalities and qualified non-governmental organizations to establish and maintain a cadre of trained and equipped volunteers through recognized practices and standards within the capability building process of Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training and Exercise.
How do I find out more? CERTs are organized at the local level. Please contact your local Emergency Manager at or send us an email at
Does the CERT training have a fee? CERT training is free!
What does the CERT training consist of? Disaster Preparedness, Fire Suppression, Medical Operations, Light Search and Rescue Operations, Psychology and Team Organization, Course Review, and Disaster Simulation. The course takes about 20 hours of classroom work.
What do I receive upon successfully completing the course? A course completion certificate and CERT backpack w/ CERT logo, a CERT hard hat, Leather Work Gloves Safety Goggles Safety Vest, Flashlight, Gas Wrench and much more.
For more information please visit
Interested in starting Community or College CERT team? Download our CERT in Rhode Island Community Emergency Response Teams: State Policy and Guidance to get started or send us an email at